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May 30, 2013


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Agreed, Arun. The phenomenon of large existing companies sponsoring new startups successfully is unique to India and does provide an advantage to those sponsored startups.

Arun Natarajan

Nice summary of the "mountains" that successful entrepreneurs here have to cross. Can't admire folks like the Bansals of Flipkart, Murgavel of Matrimony.com and Sanjiv of Naukri.com enough. Hats off to these folks!

A small dis-agreement: I wouldn't want to bracket CCD, Indigo and IEX as such "mountaineering startups" owing to the support they've received from their parent businesses. Obviously there's no taking away from their excellence at execution and that the founders of these cos are great first generation entrepreneurs too. But having a parent co backing is probably like climbing with the aid of an oxygen tank! (Given the odds, I'll take the "unfair advantage" anytime, however!)

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