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November 06, 2012


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Pranjay Mittal

Hi Sir,
This could seem somewhat awkward and perhaps unsolicited considering you have no clue who I am. I have been following your blog and your posts on Quora with avid interest for a while now. I hoped to find your contact but haven’t been able.
I have been working on an idea for some time now and it’s almost past the first stage and into Beta mode now. I just wanted to run this past you in the hope that you may like it. I am a product of Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and am working full-time on the said project.
Kindly check out http://www.firstquarto.com/about, and if you like it enough, I really hope you’d like to contribute.
In case of any queries, you could as well email me on [email protected]
Really looking forward to your response and with immense adulation for your content,

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