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May 14, 2012


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a monetization vehicle that provides enough income would be some social ad-networks(radiumone)/audience engagement platforms for social media. For mobile, I don't think there are any ad-networks with no misleading ads.

As we hear, FB is now building an ad-exchange which will allow the networks/agencies to bid directly on their inventory. I think, there will be much demand for a product that will allow the advertisers to do Real-time bidding on social media by using the data from DMP's(bluekai).

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you are right. my bad. i must have been having fits of retardedness or something (reading alok's non-sense comments on sangeet's post on pluggd.in had my head spinning), i didn't even look at the most important aspect for being a platform - something that others can build upon. i may have just thought that if you have linkedin on the u.s./e.u. list, then why not on the india list.
that still leaves the question about your definition of "game changer' here. of course any new platform thats as big as and applicable to the indian market as facebook and android are, changes many games.
one can, still, use just the linkedin userbase and profiles as something we can probably call a centerform - something you can build around but not upon. or a plugform - something you can plug into your system/app.

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By my definition of platforms, LinkedIn does not have a monetization platform for third-party developers which is why it does not stand next to FB & Android.

Enterprise-wise, I think different platforms come into focus, including Salesforce.com's Force.com, Google's Apps Marketplace and so on. For these, of course the 100M criterion does not apply.

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what do you mean by "gamer changer" as talked about in this post.
also, why don't you think that linkedin deserves to stand next to facebook and android? purely based on the 100mn criterion? should that criterion be applied even to enterprise platforms (you youself have talked called it as being for just 'consumer platforms'- linkedin is clearly not a consumer oriented thing).

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