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June 17, 2011


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Yes, Symbol did acquire us. We spent an interesting time there launching mobile device management and wireless network management products.

Regarding the user interaction change, i absolutely agree with you. Touch has arrived in a big way. Audio/voice reco though is still a bit challenged. The promise is there, there are still some hurdles though - enough accuracy/efficiency in voice reco (note the terrible nature of Google Voice translations and how Spinvox had to use humans to do the translation); definition of must-have use cases (car is a must-have but what else?); change in user behavior from text/display.

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I still remember Covigo. I think it eventually ended up at Symbol. Good overview of how things changed in one decade.

I will request one more row in your table and that will be for interaction model - interaction model has changed from keyboard to touch/voice and that is a significant shift.


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Thanks. If one believes in the exponential rate of change in this business, in a decade, mobile might just disappear as a category and just be equal to computing. And computing might just disappear as well as it gets subsumed into all our surroundings (into our cars, our home appliances, our digital screens etc.).



staggering growth !

thanks for drawing the distinction, great times ahead

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