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January 08, 2010


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Account Deleted

Hello, i want to say that this is a very good article. All points are very interesting.

Ingi Björn


Thanks for the tips, the idea was to set up a game for drivers. Driver could compete to one another to become better drivers. Similar to the eco drive Fiat is proving for their drivers (except wireless ). http://www.fiat.co.uk/ecoDrive/

We just use GPS to calculate driving behavior, so we don´t need any connection with the ODB2 port. We need a second per second GPS data, which most GPS enable handsets can handle.

But to set it clear, we are simple telematics company and mobile application market is little bit out of our league. But we hold very powerful patent. http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?wo=2003077206

Account Deleted

I believe there is a market. However, I don't believe it is a standalone application for consumers. I think it needs to be combined with something that drives user engagement (audio, not display) in the car (much like radio does) - these could be services such as music, web information, traffic etc. One has to remember that cognitive overload is a key issue for drivers (and other people sharing the road!) and multiple apps/services can't be running at the same time. An integrated experience is key.

Another issue is how you get data from the OBDII interface to the mobile device in the car. I believe there are cables available these days that connect the OBDII port to an iPhone.

Of course the other way is for the auto OEM to include it in-dash but I think that is further out. Digital displays may make this process easier over the next several years.

Ingi Björn

Do you think there is market for application that help drivers to drive better. I work for company called SAGAsystem, and we hold an international patent that we can use to measure acceleration, deceleration and G-Force in turns with only GPS points.

We have been using our driving analyzing as a part of a fleet management tool. We have had great success with companies to motivate drivers to drive better. The result is reduction of accident, fuel savings and less maintenance.

It would rather easy to convert our methods to a mobile application. Do you think there is a market for that kind of an application?

Account Deleted

Agreed. Personalization (out of the gate as well as ongoing) as well as getting immediate value is what I like in my mobile apps. I'm willing to give web apps a bit more leniency on that front.

Robin Chase

hi Dev,
Interesting points. Here is why I think that is:
1. because phone interface is crummy, you've had to spend the time to configure exactly what you want. You could do that with your laptop (remember the widgets screen? and the tabs present to your first-choice preferences?). We seem to not bother with configuring our laptop in the same way we do our phone. Our laptops, we can get back to where we were relatively painlessly (but clearly we should be configuring).

2. Logging in/timing out. On the laptop, some things you can't keep signed in to, while on the phone the assumption is that it is always you.

3. I do drag my laptop between kitchen and living room, and garden. But in reality, the iphone is easier and lighter to take around.

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